

Friday, July 23, 2010

Iwagumi - Art Of Aquascaping

Have you ever happened to be amazed by fabulous landscape in the nature and try home to rebuild the same view in your aquarium? But the construction of them remains the biggest challenge for a passionate aquarium keeper.

Takasi Amano is the initiator of the Iwagumi style. Based on Japanese gardening techniques, the word “Iwagumi” means rock formation and consist of three rocks, one main or large flanked by two smaller rocks, but not of equal size. The rocks should consist of the same type of stone. This term has been used for the first time in 11th century and comes from buddhism: the big rock is called "chuusonskei" (The Big Buddha) and the two smaller rocks are called "kyoujiseki" (accompanying rocks). Iwagumi style should give you a feeling of tranquility and simplicity.

An aquarium designed by Iwagumy style will usually consist of a single foreground plant (Eleocharis acicularis - Dwarf hairgrass, Glossostigma elatinoides or Hemianthus callitrichoides) and a single species of fish (rummynose tetras, cardinal tetras, or harlequin rasboras). The background should also only consist of one plant species. The rocks are the focal point in an Iwagumi aquascape. So always use plants that will not over power the rock formation.

Aquatic landscape Iwagumi it's not recommended for beginners, however can be the most beautiful and peaceful view encountered in the aquarium.